The poor from selected parishes in Cyangugu Diocese which are: Mugomba, Hanika, Yove, Nyakabuye, Mushaka, Mashyuza, Cyangugu, Muyange and Tyazo were them who have been given food by Cyangugu Caritas in collaboration with Speyer Diocese(Germany) in other to wish them merry Christmas and a Happy new year.

Food comprises of ten kilos of rice, ten kilos of maize flour, ten kilos of beans, two liters of cooking oil, two bars of soap and face masks are what given to each of selected poor in every central of each parish stated above, these people were from different family and different churches (faith). This was for supporting and comforts them in this hardship time of covid-19 pandemic and sharing with them the happiness of Christmas.

Father Théogène Ngoboka general director of Caritas Cyangugu told the beneficiaries that the aid they have received were from the benefactors of Speyer Diocese who have heard the effects of Covid-19 to them and wished to help, he thanked Speyer Diocese in the name of all beneficiaries. He continued telling them that it is very hard to get the aid that can reach every poor and that’s why they have to share the little they got to their neighbors. As Rwanda and entire world are still fighting Covid-19 pandemic, father Théogène asked them to keep follow the measure of protecting themselves from this pandemic by washing their hands properly and well wearing the face masks.

KagimbangaboVenuste one of people who received this aid has said that he is pleased to receive that gift and that it pleasures to have someone who take care of you because it strengthens you and made you to never feel alone. He and his colleagues thanked Caritas Cyangugu and its partners especially Speyer Diocese that are always by their side in their everyday life. They told Caritas messengers that they are going to share their food with their neighbors.

This action of donating food to poor it has been sponsored by Speyer Diocese, twinning of Cyangugu Diocese. They gave away twenty millions that have been shared in donating food to four hundred twenty two families (422), paying Health Insurance for one thousand nine hundred eighty three (1983) individuals and paying school fees for one hundred fifty three (153) students. All of this happened in order to help people who were highly affected by covid-19 effects.

Caritas usually help poor in different angles include paying children’s school fees, health insurance, help victims of disasters and diseases and other different life domains.
Mathew 5:7 “Blessed are merciful: for they shall obtain mercy”.
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